Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project Neuveau

Been a long time, folks…
I’m entering a game contest hosted by my school (University of Baltimore) where team of up to 4 must create a game within a 3 month period of time. Judges will be from game companies located mostly in Baltimore, but also, we’re going to have a judge from Blizzard come humble us with his presence (lol…but no, seriously, that’s pretty big). The contest will allow you to use any software, but must adhere to three overlying themes of time, dreams and moral ambiguity.
Anyways, my partner and I just had to throw out our last idea due to issues with the networking capabilities of Unity. We’re moving on, however sticking with Unity, and going to mobile devices.
Our game design is going to be casual/social for hopefully people of all ages. Basically we want to mix up the mechanics associated with the Pokemon RPG’s and the concept of a Chia pet. The player (you) will being the game with the option to choose either a monster that is related to time and dreams. You will play as your monster and roam through mostly open-world environments, fight other monsters, gain skills and abilities and customize your monster. 
As you fight different monster types, you will have the option to stash away your current monsters in a safe place (think of the WoW hunter stables), and pick up this new monster to customize, mix-and-match abilities and add to your team.
We want to move this project toward a multi-player atmosphere (hence the social genre) where players with either Andriods or iPhones can battle other players via their mobile devices. When players win battles they will gain points and ranks in order to progress their monster further in the world of competitive monster training! If you opponent’s monster has an unlearned ability, you will have the option to learn it as a result of winning the battle.
This game will allow for heavily customized characters, multiplayer modes, RPG elements, single-player adventure game atmosphere, MMO world scales and very unique skill sets.
Let me know your thoughts!

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