Thursday, May 17, 2012

Casual Games and Unity

Flashbang Studios seems to have a good grip on the indie game phenomenon. They employ a small team of developers that all seem to collaborate well together, brainstorming ideas and constantly pumping out games. The company seems to have a well-established plan in which they develop their games over a short period of time so that they can get feedback sooner and ultimately produce more games per year. I believe that Flashbang made a good point in the interview regarding how companies will spend 2 years developing a game and realize the game isn’t fun 14 months in. Their business model certainly reduces the potential for wasted resources.

The games I played were “Off Road Velociraptor Safari” and “Jetpack Brontosaurus”. Both of these games were absolutely excellent. I was engrossed in the conceptual simplicity and quirky gameplay that they both offered. “Velociraptor Safari” had a fast-paced rampage style mechanic that proved excellent in terms of replay value. It was immensely enjoyable to plow the fleeing dinosaurs or whack them with the deplorable spiked chain. It had sandbox quality level design with great driving physics, ramps and boosts!

“Jetpack Brontosaurus” made me laugh…but in a good way. I loved watching the lumbering behemoth dinosaur ram into structures of crash to the ground and then simply boost back up into their air, watching its tail and limbs swing around limp. It offered little mini-challenges in the level as well as an overall goal. The physics and controls were accurate and easy to use. I became entranced solely in flying around the arena.

It seems that Unity has provided Flashbang Studios with an excellent tool to continue utilizing their business model. I certainly think they deserve the success they’ve achieved over the years. They have amazing, original ideas that perfectly fit the “casual games” structure. I will definitely be visiting again!

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