Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Development Dilemmas

Extinction is still in the early stages of preparation. Though at first we were sure we wanted to use Unity, we are looking into what technology might serve as best at this point due to lack of funds for Unity Pro. The pro version ($1500) offers us significant advantages, obviously, but our main motive is the LOD swapper- something that is essential to high-quality 3d graphics games. We've come up with two solutions:

- We have some resources on our team that may allow us to create a spectacular cinematic to help stir up some attention for the game on a crowdfunding website. If we can get the funds for Unity Pro, we'd like to stick with it as it presents less of a learning curve for our members who are unfamiliar with Unity.

- Our other option is to switch over to the UDK engine - our hesitation in doing this is obviously not with the engine itself, it's a premium product with excellent tools and support. We are afraid that many of our folks will have a harder time getting used to the engine and it's pipeline process, particularly for animations. In the UDK 3.0's, animation must all be imported as separate files and then strung together in the node editor. Provides for more fluidity, but obviously more time and aggravation for animators.

Just a few thoughts as the work is unpaid and some of our members are inexperienced in game development and it's internal processes. More to come on that...

Friday, December 7, 2012


Been quite a while since I've posted... Unfortunately, Thrones of Iron as taken a back seat to life stuff... I recently got myself back on my feet with a Web Programming job in Bethesda. Currently I'm looking to branch out through linkedIn to find projects and opportunities to continue developing games on the side while I put things back together (i.e. my bank account and massive debt)... so I've taken up working on a small project with an individual from the UK, John Snowdon, called Extinction.. we're developing Extinction for the PS3 using Unity 3D... it will be an action-adventure game set in the prehistoric era, which is neat because I'll be able to model some dinosaurs..pretty sweet :)

Below is the concept art for the player-character...