Friday, January 4, 2013

The Byss Project

Hi all,

I thought I would do a post about the newest project I'm working on. As things have stalled with the first group I joined, I decided to go out on my own and look for help to develop a game.

Recruitment has been going very smoothly, and our development team is nearing 20 talented artists, programmers, audio designers and writers. We're excited to get started and I can't wait to see the progress we make.

Ok, so about the game...

Our project is going to be a browser-based/standalone game that features squad-based RTS gameplay with heavy RPG elements for character customization. The player will essentially command a squad of mercenaries (~ 1-8) with the option to swap out the "controlled" member at any time, assuming the role of any of the player's active members. Each member will be designed to have particular roles for strategic integration in combat. 

We are planning to design the game mainly as an RTS, while still having various avenues of gameplay for different player-types. These would be exploration-based "lore" missions where the player would traverse the environments, find secret items and discovery the history of these planets. Others would be less squad oriented, and focus on particular combat roles, such as stealth/assassin or a brawler-type. Then the larger RTS combat sequences would generally follow the main storyline, allow for multiplayer gameplay and open us up for procedurally generated events, such as an "invasion event" where nearby players would be notified and able to participate as they saw fit.

The game will be set in the "final frontier" style sci-fi setting with a slight cyberpunk mix for a slightly dreary ambiance. Our art-style will be semi-realistic, similar to what you might see in Krater (
Included are a few pieces of concept art that were done by one of our artists. These are the early stages of our assassin "class" template design. Throughout gameplay the player with run into other entities that might be interested in joining the squad, these characters will be developed with personalities and identities, as well as a "class". The reason I keep putting quotations around class is because the player always has the option to change items and abilities on any member of their squad. Meaning that the player can completely alter the characters they find throughout gameplay to be tailored to the player's needs.

More to come soon!